UCL Eastman Dental Institute donates books and equipment to Den-Tech

Restoring Lives One Smile at a time

A recent appeal for second hand dental books and equipment by Den-Tech has been very generously responded to by the UCL Eastman Dental Institute.

Den-Tech are looking for donations of books and equipment to support their projects in countries such as Uganda and Cambodia where they are helping to get teaching and training facilities up and running for dental technology courses and in support of general dental training. These projects will help teach and develop the local people so that they can learn, develop and up skill and eventually be able to provide for themselves in keeping with Den-Techs ethos of giving a hand up and not just a hand out.

As part of their upcoming move to new premises the team at UCL Eastman Dental Institute have been sorting out their offices and departments and have very kindly offered to donate several boxes of text books and equipment to the cause.

Pictured is Den-Tech Trustee Delroy Reeves accepting the donations on behalf of Den-Tech from Professor Paul Ashley and Kerry Lancaster.